Thanks! Welcome to “The Longevity Microbiome Journal” – by Dr. Sarah Schwitalla!

It is a pleasure to meet you.

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What to expect

Every Friday, I send out an exclusive email with my favorite research study of the week and my actionable advice drawn from it that transforms your or your patients’ health.

I write about Gut Microbiome Science, Gut health, the Gut-Brain connection and evidence based nutrition for disease prevention and reversal, wellbeing and maximized longevity.


„All disease begins in the gut” – Hippokrates v. Kos (460–377 v. Chr.)

More and more research confirms daily: he was right.


Therefore, my mission is to spread awareness for gut microbiome health and diet as important cornerstones to reverse the rising trend of diet- and age-related chronic disease in our modern populations.

I provide actionable frameworks and science based tools, books and seminars to patients and health care providers based on scientific studies for optimized gut and microbiome health to prevent and reverse diseases.

Dive deep in to the Science and get my latest peer reviewed book “The Toxic Microbiome”

My book “The Toxic Microbiome” was ranked as #4 bestseller in molecular biology and featured on amazon #1 hot new release in October 2022.

You can get it here

The Toxic Microbiome - by Dr Schwitalla

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Dr. Sarah Schwitalla

Dr. Sarah-Schwitalla
Dr. Sarah Schwitalla

PhD in molekularer Medizin und Biochemie 10 Jahre biomedizinische Krebs-Forschung und Pharmaindustrie Erfahrung TU München, Harvard Medical School, University of Cambridge.